Saturday, October 14, 2006

Need Noxious Weed Fertilizer ... Try Geese Poo

Ahhhh, the joys of home ownership. My raw, numb digits peck away at the keyboard to bring you my weekly woe. Family and friends are coming into town tomorrow for Nathaniel's blessing. We are inviting them over to our home. We ( read Raquelle ) wanted to give the impression to everyone that we didn't live in the Amazon Basin where the weeds eat the careless natives. So for nearly two hours I've been creating divets in our lawn by pulling up at least a half of dozen different types of faux grass. So we've gone from the jungle foliage to 3rd rate golf course. It's pretty bad when there are so many weeds that I was able to formulate numerous strategies on how to extract each vile variant. The picture may not look like a lot of weeds, but what the camera can't capture is the depth of the garbage bin. Also in this lovely lump is the present a gaggle of geese gave the grounds. I'm not sure why the geese graced us ( perphaps the jungle climate? ), but they overstayed their welcome. Maybe with all the poo removed and the weeds extracted, neither will come back ...

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