Saturday, August 19, 2006

Tagged (Not the Body Spray)

Nathaniel got tagged by Emily over at Lanell’s blog.

3 things that scare me:
*Being alone
*Alabama fans

3 people who make me laugh:

*Knock Knock Jokes

3 things I love:
*Being swaddled
*”The Good Stuff”
*Driving parents batty at 3am

3 things I hate:
*Not being rocked
*Tummy bubbles
*Being dropped down the stairs (just kidding Family Services)

3 things I don't understand:
*Daddy’s jokes
*Why I can’t be attached to mommy 24/7
* Is P equal to NP?

3 things on my floor:
*My pacifier
*My diapers
*Daddy’s clothes

3 things I'm doing right now:
*Drafting UN resolutions for long term Middle East peace

3 ways to describe my personality:

3 things you should listen to:
*My squeaking
*My screaming
*My impersonation of George Duyba Bush

3 things I want to do before I die (in other words, 3 things my mom wishes for me)
*To play sports and excel in school
*To go on a mission and marry in Temple
*Set world record on number of diapers changed in 24 hour period

3 things I love to eat:
*My pain medication
*My burp medication
* Prime Rib (got you again Family Services)

3 things I'd like to learn:
*How to hold my head up
*How to control my flailing extremities
*How to politely excuse myself when I pass gas or burp

3 shows I watch:
*Zombie Slasher Flicks (See Prime Rib and stairs addendum)
*Home Shopping Network (can’t wait to learn how to speed dial)

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