There comes a time in the life of an inquisitive, rambunctious toddler when the golden curls of babydom must come off. For Nathaniel, his time had come. Surprising, he received the haircut with a minimum of fuss. You see, a continuous supply of M&Ms and marshmallows found their way into his mouth. He had never received such an steady stream of sucrose before. Fortunately, the haircut was finished about the time the blood sugar level smashed through the ceiling. Armed with a Flobee and a pair of scissors, his grandparents tag-teamed Nathaniel. The vacuum and Flobee sounds fascinated Nathaniel as the locks were unceremoniously sucked away into the abyss. Whenever a snip near the nape of the neck needed attention, I would take Nathaniel’s pacifier and put it in front of him. He would learn forward to recapture its comforting action. That would produce the needed clearance to the grandparent in action.
For the reason behind the timing of the haircut, let us travel back in time when his great-grandmother last saw Nathaniel. We were in Florida on a family vacation and grandma saw all of his baby curls and told me we needed to a make a boy out of him. From that time forward, I was determined that Nathaniel would have a haircut before he saw his great-grandmother again.
I think Raquelle is still adjusting to the haircut; I love his new look. He got the tremendous trim on Saturday. I swear on Sunday I saw a new facial expression on Nathaniel. With all those curls that were covering up his eyebrows out of the way, he can now be Nathaniel, our little boy wonder!